Friday, April 2, 2010

From pants to skirt

I'm sharing my love of refashioning with Ana, hopefully she'll love it as much as I. To give her a taste of refashioning, we took a pair of pants and turned them in to a skirt. Yesterday, we took a quick jaunt to a local clothing resale shop and found a pair of corduroy pants that were perfect for Ana's second sewing project.

We wacked the pants off at just below the knee and started frankensteining a skirt together from the pieces.

After numerous bouts of trying on and then sewing a bit more, she has a nicely fitted, green corduroy skirt. I was impressed with her willingness to keep at it and her ability with the sewing machine. I think she just might be a natural, she obviously gets that from me:) Hmm, though maybe not, we are actually related through marriage, not blood. I can still pass it to her though, right?

Gav even likes the skirt:) We have one more project in store before she heads back home. We'll fit in a bit of playing at Scotty's play house, eat lunch with Kyla at school, and a join in a family movie night at the school as well as that final sewing project today. Off to the trenches I go:)

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