We did our traditional family birthday dinner this weekend for our amazing 7 year old. We invited all the grandparents/aunts and uncles/cousins that were around and had a big BBQ, cake, ice cream and, or course, presents.
As each birthday rolls around, Chad and the birthday celebrant start brainstorming as to the cake design. Chad has taken it upon himself to be the cake decorating master here at the Riddle Ranch and has done famously so far:) This year Kyla stumped us with her desire for a Canadian cake. What exactly is a Canadian cake?? Well, according to her, it's one that has a flag on it:) So, introducing the Canada cake for 2010:) Notice that Kyla helped with most of the decorating this year:)

The hit of the party was a stomp rocket. Wow, what fun we had! I think that Uncle Bryan wins the title of highest rocket launch by my rough eye calculation:)Happy Birthday to my 7 year old little lady!
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