Today finally came! For the last month, Kyla has needed a daily breakdown of the days until her trip. Kyla and my Dad boarded a plane @ 10:30 this morning and flew off to Indiana, without me. This is Kyla's first trip away from Chad and I. She's been away from us of course, we are just the ones who are going someplace fun:) My aunt is getting married this coming weekend and my parent's decided to let Kyla tag along on their trip:) She got a new backpack, her own disposable camera, and lots of things to play with on the plane just for this trip. They've made lots of grand plans and should have a blast. I'm excited to see the pictures and hear all the stories. Our baby girls is becoming quite the independent thing:)

This will be Kyla's 3rd trip to Indiana. She'll be hanging out with her cousins, her great-grandparents, and many Great Aunts and Uncles. Both sides of my family live in that area. What a blessing that we are able to share our little girl with our extended family. I try to keep everyone updated with pictures and info, but they can really get to know her now:) Chad's family is from Ohio, his dad is actually out there now visiting with his family. They, Kyla's great-grandfather, grandpa, and Great Aunt and Uncle, are planning on making the drive over to Logansport to see her as well. What a great opportunity to make memories!

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