Thursday, December 17, 2009

Our Own Little Star

Kyla had her school Christmas program on Tuesday evening and shined like a star:) In the past, she has had difficulties standing in front of an audience and participating. She chewed her nails one year the ENTIRE performance and rolled her dress up to waist the next. This year, she jumped on up, sang her heart out, and did all the hand motions with gusto. The gym was packed with people but she seemed to enjoy the performance. All in all, it was a stellar participation effort:) We are so proud of our little girl! Here's a glimpse of the concert.

Mrs. Imholt and Kyla
The most wonderful teacher ever!!

Thanks Grandmpa K, Grandpa G, and Grandma T for joining us and supporting Kyla!

1 comment:

Trina said...

Kyla is my star, too:-)