Well, we've done it, we've painted our house! The rain has started today and Chad and I finished up the final coats last evening as the sun slipped behind the mountains! We have some touch up to do, we can't be all the way done now can we:), but we'll get to that in a couple of weeks when we get a couple days of dry weather. All in all, I'm pleased with the finished product. I can't believe it was such a long and difficult project, oh the battle stories we have to tell and the scars we have to show:) We do need to work on the front porch a bit, but it's covered so we can do that at our leisure, that is if I ever pick up another paintbrush again:)
We have some amazing trim work on the house, thanks to the era it was built, but you couldn't tell with the previous paint job. After hours and hours of painting, moving ladders, taping, and painting some more, I understand and fully appreciate why they didn't fancy up the previous paint job. I had a friend stop by this weekend, she had driven by early in the day and then was driving back through and saw me painting in the same (or very nearly the same) spot both times. She just had to stop and mention it to me:)
We have some amazing trim work on the house, thanks to the era it was built, but you couldn't tell with the previous paint job. After hours and hours of painting, moving ladders, taping, and painting some more, I understand and fully appreciate why they didn't fancy up the previous paint job. I had a friend stop by this weekend, she had driven by early in the day and then was driving back through and saw me painting in the same (or very nearly the same) spot both times. She just had to stop and mention it to me:)

I painted my studio door purple/maroon:) Now I can tell my clients, "Just come to the purple door."

If you look at the pictures, you'll see that all of the downstairs windows have small, white stickers on them. That signifies our next adventure with the house, new windows! We've longed for them since shortly after we moved in (now 7 years) but the cost was quite prohibitive. We did replace the upstairs windows when Kyla was a baby but have been dreaming of strong, sealed, safe, and warm windows for the downstairs as well. Well, with this economy, the price was right! We're getting all nine windows replaced (and installed, hallelujah!) for half of the last quote we received! We just couldn't pass that up! Come Thanksgiving time, our house will be sealed, warm, and lovey:)
Now as I pick the paint from beneath my fingernails and put medicine on all my bruises (from the constant battle to stay ON the ladders and from climbing up and down them), I swear on my mother's head to never paint this house again! I'm not really sure if I can swear upon my mother's head at this point...she's still alive and kicking. Anyways, back to the point........We will never paint this house again!!! I will move out before it comes to that:)
Feel free to drive on by and "Ohh" and "Ahh" and the wonder that is our house:)
Now as I pick the paint from beneath my fingernails and put medicine on all my bruises (from the constant battle to stay ON the ladders and from climbing up and down them), I swear on my mother's head to never paint this house again! I'm not really sure if I can swear upon my mother's head at this point...she's still alive and kicking. Anyways, back to the point........We will never paint this house again!!! I will move out before it comes to that:)
Feel free to drive on by and "Ohh" and "Ahh" and the wonder that is our house:)
Your house looks great! You did an awesome job!!
Wow!!!! It's gorgeous~you should post some before and after pics. AMAZING job, gorgeous!!!
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