Thursday, January 29, 2009

The end of the baby era for the Riddle Fam...

We are getting rid of our baby stuff... No if, ands or buts! Gavin is turning TWO on Sunday and I've finally come to the point of readiness to say farewell to a good portion of the baby trappings that we have accumulated with our two kids. I spent the evening putting things on craig's list with my heart a little heavy but my strength of will strong. I rejoice in this new stage of life that we are in, the "watching our two beloved kids grow up" stage, but I also mourn the loss of the "new baby" stage. Thankfully, God has blessed me with friends who are keeping my arms full and my heart bursting with wonder for their new babies:) So as I say goodbye to many things that symbolize our "babyhood" phase, I am thankful for the experience that came with each peice. Some of them were gifts, some were things that I picked out specifically for my babies, all were well used and appreciated.

I just hope that those who buy these things, can enjoy them as much as I did. That they get as many grand memeories as I have during their Baby Era.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More snow!

I just finished my workout this morning and looked outside, great, more snow! As we waited for Kyla's bus this morning, we were pelted with ice pellets. What a wonderful way to start your day:)

I wanted to share some pics from yesterday afternoon. We got a package delivered and it had what seemed like miles of bubble wrap. The kids made a running path with it:)

The Road to Happiness
(and to minor head traumas)
Kyla being a great big sister to a grumpy brother

Monday, January 26, 2009

To Potty Train or Not To Potty Train...

That is the question at our house this week. Gavin has sat on his potty chair every day this last week and has actually "used" it four times. I'm debating, should we start potty training, or should we wait? Kyla was fully potty trained by her second birthday so Gavin could, in theory, be as well. He seems to enjoy spending time on his potty, so much that his poor bottom has red marks at times:) It's just one of those parenting decisions that I dread, who knows what the right answer is for this particular kid at this particular time. Any suggestions? Anyone want to come over and take over for me:) I'll make you cookies:)

Just a normal day

God knew that I was getting to the bottom of my well of patience this past weekend and He opened up so many great opportunities for me to go and have some relaxation time with my gal friends. I went to Rose's Deli up in Sherwood on Friday night with two friends, one whom I haven't seen in almost a year. We closed up the restaurant after eating the most delicious carrot cake and were finally, politely, asked to leave:) Saturday afternoon brought us a visit from David, one of our throwers back when we were coaching at Fox. It was great to catch up on his life and see what a wonderful man he has become. On Sunday evening, a bunch of ladies that I know from Stroller Strides went out to our local Italian restaurant here in Lafayette. The food was excellent and the company even better.

This weekend I was gently reminded (and not so gently) that I need to spend more time with my friends. As life passes by so quickly, I find myself in a rut of staying home and becoming a hermit. It's time that I got back out there and enjoyed the friends that God has blessed me with. Anyone up for a play date?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What a tease!

We had some excitement on Monday morning. Gavin went pee in his potty! Well, some of his pee went in the potty... next step, figuring out how to make all the pee go in the potty:) How exciting for us! For those of you who haven't potty trained a toddler or who did it so long ago they can't remember, this is a great step for Gavin! He now tells me (most of the time) when he needs his diaper changed so we got the potties out at the beginning of the month in the hopes that he gets used to the idea of using them.

Since monday though, he hasn't even wanted to sit on the potty. Man, what a tease. I had my hopes up thinking he'd do something easily and "on schedule" but I don't see that happening:) I just purchased a new potty better designed for boys, this will seal the deal I'm sure:)

We are now on our second month of trying to keep him in his toddler bed. It's getting better but we still have to stay up stairs until he falls asleep. What still gets me at this point is his renewed surprise every time we discipline him when he gets out of his bed. You think that would sink in quickly.

He is surely a delight (when it isn't bed time). He is using an astronomical amount of words, is starting to do imaginative play, and still loves tractors. While we were visiting my nephew, he was so gentle with him save for the one time that he laid on top of him and nearly squished him flat:) He has a soft heart and loves to cuddle. What a wonderful addition to our family!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Visit with Uncle Josh

We headed up to Richland, WA this weekend with my parents and our family friend Shirley to visit with my brother and his wife and little boy. We took two cars and divided the kids up and the trip ended up quick and easy:)

We took our Wii and Shirley brought hers as well, we set them both up and had a Wii tournament. Great fun! Whatch out for dad in bowling, he'll smoke you:) Kyla enjoyed the hula hoop games and was quite entertaining as she swiveled her hips for all she was worth.

The kids fell in love with Gabe all over again and begged uncle Josh to play with them, which of course he did.

A Grand Day to Celebrate!

My nephew, Gabriel Joshua Bonnell, was dedicated this Sunday. We were able to be there and share in this blessed event. We haven't seen him 2 months and he has changed so much! My sister-in-law's father did the dedication while Josh and Randi stood beside her grandparents, parents, and my parents. Gabe enjoyed being the center of attention and stole the hearts of the congregation:)

My brother also took a tremendous step in his spiritual walk by being baptized that same morning. It was a pretty emotional time for my family and I was so proud of him. He was supported by his men's group that he meets with every week and of course by all of us:) They have a great tradition at their church...when you are baptized, you sign the baptismal as a constant reminder that you have made this outward commitment to Christ. Pretty cool!

I want to officially welcome Gaberial and Josh into the family of Christ!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Kyla's blog...

Kyla had mentioned a while back that she wanted to start her own blog...She had important things to write (her words). For Christmas, she was gifted with a digital camera and has been asking almost daily to start her blog in order to use her new pictures. I finally took the time to sit down with her and design her blog today. Here is her link



We successfully survived our week without Chad and are now getting geared up for our next adventure. We are heading up to my brothers in the Tri-Cities area for the weekend. He is getting baptized and my nephew is being dedicated. I'm very thankful that he has invited us to be a part of this momentous occasion! I'll be taking lots of pictures so be prepared for my next post, it will be a big one:)

Thanks for all the prayers while Chad was gone, they were appreciated:)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Two days down, just one to go!

Yesterday went well, it did seem a bit long near the end though:) Trina (mother-in-law) came and had dinner with us and then stayed the night as an extra little fun thing for the kids. Kyla challenged her to the wii and whipped her behind in bowling:)

Wouldn't you know it, the one time Chad is gone, I hurt myself. I was just carrying Gavin down the stairs with his new blanket (picture a john deere fleece blanket) and he decided to drop it as I was walking down the stairs. Just imagine what happened next. Yep, we went down the stairs like professional bobsledders except not as gracefully. I was able to protect Gavin from the evils of gravity, but the hard wooden stairs were not kind to my behind. After laying crumpled and moaning at the bottom of the stairs for a good amount of time, I got up and realized that nothing is seriously damaged. I have a feeling my behind and lower back will be very pretty in the next couple of days with the bruising that will surely follow this incident. Dont' worry, I won't be posting those pics:) So I'll be taking it slow today, maybe I'll even hobble a bit:)

Chad should be coming home late tonight, after the kids are in bed of course:) Please continue to pray for us today as we survive this time without Daddy:)

I'm heading to the freezer to get some ice for my bum and maybe my elbow...hmmm maybe my ankle too:)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So Far, So Good

Well, as today winds down, I can truthfully say that everything went well and I enjoyed my day with Kyla. My mom came by yesterday and stole Gavin for a couple of days so that Kyla and I could have some quality time together.

After she was on the bus heading to school, I was able to get some stuff done for my business. After Kyla got home from school, we headed into town for a special lunch (she chose McDonalds). While in town, I got a call from a friend who needed me to pick up a prescription for her. After a super long wait @ Riteaid (a real blessing! I found a Wii remote and nunchuck @ goodwill while we were waiting) we dropped it off and headed over to my sister-in-laws. She is having problems with her shoulder after a fall last week and needed a helping right hand:) After scrubbing dishes, I vow never to own cast iron!:) We hustled home to greet Chad's dad and I got ready for a photo shoot. Gary occupied Kyla while I was busy and then I fed the three of us. We then introduced Gary to the wonders of Wii:) Kyla beat him boxing, Gary and I were pretty dumbfounded!

Gary is quitely reading her a bed time story and then I'll tuck her in and go work on my back hand:) Just imagine a nice long sigh here.

Thank you Lord for the strength to do all that
I needed and wanted to do today!

Monday, January 12, 2009

And we are off...

We have started our super long and extra hard week this morning. Chad was given notice last Friday that he would be heading up to Seattle for some training this week and will be gone most of the week. For those who know me well, you understand the pure and utter exhaustion/trepidation that fills me as I prepare for a week without Chad:) He is such a huge part of the kid's normal daily routine, he will be missed by all of us. I'll take this opportunity to ask for prayers for this week, especially in the patience and stamina department. Thanks everyone and don't worry, we will most likely survive:)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Anyone up for a rousing game of Pony-opoly?

My dad received a gift from his sister just last week in the mail and he opened it while the kids and I were over visiting him. My extended family has been able to get to know Kyla and Gavin quite well this year and my aunt got "Dad" the perfect present, Pony-opoly:) Yes, that's right, monopoly pony style:)

Chad had to walk like a pony around the board, Kyla had to buck like a pony (Grandma Lynne helped). There was hoof cleaning, tail swishing, and of course head patting during the game. It was pretty entertaining from my point of view:) The game is geared for Kyla's age but my parent's were good sports as they had to fork over treats and do crazy stuff. After a wild game of that...Kyla showed them her stuff on our new Wii. We purchased it last week and have really enjoyed it! What fun! I'm a little embarrassed to say that Kyla is better than me in some of the games, but I will keep practicing:) I must defeat my five year old:)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The great escape - Part 2

Ye, we've taken Gavin out of his crib and he's safely in his toddler bed, but this story isn't about him. The escaping bug has been passed on to Lovy the hamster it seems. I came downstairs this morning and glanced into the tv room where Lovy has his little home. I did a double take as I saw something tall on top of the cage, I quickly realized that it was Lovy! As best that I can guess, he had climbed to the top of his little house inside the cage, climbed on top of his wheel, then pushed off the lid a couple of inches and then spidermaned it out of there.

My heart stuttered a bit at the prospect of a loose rodent running around my house. I slowly walked to the cage and as I neared it, Lovy jumped at me! I wasn't close enough to catch him and the poor guy landed on the ground. I think he scared the adventureness right out of himself with that. I picked him up and held him for a bit to make sure he wasn't going to just keel over with all the strain of his escape.

After a full bowl of food, some fresh water and his comfy house, Lovy is sleeping peacefully and all is well here at the Riddle House. I have a feeling that I'll be checking on him more than normal today though:)

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Mystery

This afternoon after Gavin woke up from his nap, he gave me quite a scare. I took off his pants to change his diaper and found this...

He was having an allergic reaction to something he'd touched, eaten, looked at afar. Who really knows what caused it. After a cool bath, some benadryl provided by Super Aunt Beth, and an hour for it to work and his legs and bottom were looking much better. We are now trying to figure out what it was that he ate that caused this. Enchilada sauce, dried cherries, lovey's food (I don't think he got into this but you just never know:) ).

Please pray that we figure out. Allergic reactions get worse each time they happen and we want him healthy!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A day of fun

My friend Kristel is down from Canada for a week and brought her little boy over for a visit today. Jackson just loves his "Aunt" Jenny:) We took them out to the studio and did some shots of the kids in their new fleeces from Aunt Kristel. The boys were a bit on the cranky side from lack of naps but, we had a great visit. It just makes me miss her even more when she leaves!

Gavin, Kyla and Jackson

Kyla and Jackson

Jackson and Kristel
My beautiful Jackson:) Check out those eyes!