A while ago while scrounging through New To You (a local resale shop) I found this dress that had the softest knit fabric and a pretty print. Now the dress itself was a disaster, but I had high hopes for the fabric. I was thinking I could chop it up and make a nice light skirt for summer but then I found this blog, A New Dress A Day and was inspired to get a bit more creative and daring and make a new and improved dress out of the monstrous mess. Less frump and more Za Za Zoo:)
So I did:) I can't say that it was quick or pretty during the bloody stages of reconstruction but it went from an ugly caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly of a dress:)

The reason behind my need for a new dress was The Blue Hour, a Fancy french restaurant in Portland. We had a gift certificate that needed using and a babysitter ready to hang with kids.
Mix together a new dress, a fancy multi-course dinner, time with my wonderful Hubby, worry free childcare and you get a nice relaxing evening.
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