My sweet little nephew, Gabriel came over to play last week, his first time since he's been out of his mommy's belly:) Oh yeah, my brother and sis-n-law came with him:) The sun was out, the sky was blue, and the grass was in dire need of cutting. We kicked a ball around, swung on the swings and played on the fort.

It does appear that Gavin is planning on clobbering Gabe with that 2 x 4, but he didn't, I promise:) Now I can't promise he didn't think about it just never know what goes on in that little (whoops, we all know it's large) head.

See, the large chunk of potentially dangerous wood is on the ground...

Fun Times! No blood was shed during the making of this blog post or during the events pictured. Just in case you were wondering... I know that some of you were:)
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