Okay, not so much wild, but we were roughing it:) The Riddle Fam headed down to Silver Falls State Park for four days of camping fun. We pitched our tent, filled up the air mattresses, unrolled the sleeping bags and we were ready to go. Cold nights, sunny days, hot dogs over the campfire, sticky marshmallows, long hikes through the forest, and dirt, dirt, dirt! Each time we go camping, things run a bit smoother than the time before, we remembered pretty much everything and added more to our list of things to bring for next time, now if we only had a bigger vehicle to put it all in:) Kyla found a friend within the first 24 hrs and later we found out that they live close to us and even go to our church! What are the odds? We tried our best to keep Gavin's healing skin clean, a loosing battle if I have ever participated in one:) I was blessed with the opportunity to hike all ten falls by myself one afternoon, wow what a wonderful, quiet time:) I'll let the pics tell the story...

What a grand adventure!
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