Early this summer, our friends Zach and Crystalynn offered to let the kids drive one of their combines during the harvesting season. You can only image how excited Gavin has been the entire summer, telling everyone that he was going to drive a combine. Well, the day finally came.

We headed out past McMinnville and met up with a field full of combines busy harvesting clover. We piled in, we meaning Crystalynn, myself, her two kids, and my two kids, and off we went down the rows of clover. Gavin was intense in his concentration and studied all aspects of the combine, both in the cab and out.

I even got to drive! I felt like such a farmer:)

So here's a great big THANK YOU to Crystalynn and Zach for letting us share in the harvesting experience. Gavin will relive this adventure for months to come. Hey, even I might, it was pretty relaxing.

I may just go volunteer my time next year, the long hours of solitude may be just what I need:)
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