Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pajama Time!

This past week, I was gifted with a huge pile of clothes that Chad's mom was getting rid of, some of it hers, some of it Chad's grandfather's for all my refashioning adventures. As I saw the mass of flannel, I immediately thought of nice and cozy winter pajamas for Gavin. I also had a white cotton undershirt that was super soft and perfect for a pj shirt.

I found a pattern for the shirt but didn't follow it while doing the neck, the end result is a little wonky because of it:) The pants are just the sleeves of a flannel shirt with a little bit of imagination:) I decided that the shirt was too plain and just begging for stains so I tried my hand at applique. Gavin took one look at it and instantly knew it was tractor lovingly made just for him, thank goodness he did, I was questioning my drawing skills:)

One set of Pj's down, many more to go:)

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