Well, we finally have gotten that pesky "first time in the ER" milestone over with this evening:) Today while Gavin and Kyla were at the Clackamas County Fair with their Grandma T, Gavin fell down while exiting the last ride and burned himself on the metal floor of the ride. I'll remind everyone that it was 100 degrees outside and the metal was just soaking up that heat. He fell on his left arm and leg and immediately received 1st and 2nd degree burns in the cool raised crosshatch pattern of the metal. The smooth and super quick ride attendant picked up him quickly and Grandma put him in a cool bath soon after, made him comfortable and then brought them both home. Of course, this happened after 5pm so the doctors office was closed, which always seems to be the case:)
This is how he looked when he got home, a couple of blisters and some redness but not a lot of pain thankfully. By the time we made it into the ER, the blisters were really swelling up and parts of the burn had darkened.
His arm - from his elbow curving around
and down to his wrist about 1.5" wide

His leg- from right below his knee to
his ankle about 1.5" wide

Before bedtime, I called our 24 hour nurse hot line to double check a suitable treatment/medicine for this situation and she immediately started repeating "Emergency Room!" I called our pediatrician, who just happened to be on call this evening, and he chanted the same harrowing phase, "Emergency Room!" At this point, both kids were in bed and on their way to dreamland, we scooped them up and plopped them in the car. A quick dash to to Beth and Bryan's to drop Kyla off, and we were headed to Newberg with an excited Gavin in tow:) After a short wait and an embarrassing amount of adoration from the female emergency staff, the dr (actually the same doc that treated Chad for his last kidney stone:) ) took a look and declared him cute as a button and the proud owner of 1st and 2nd degree burns. You can tell by his big grin that he was enjoying all the attention, he especially like the big bed and the special robe:) No crying for our tough little guy, just giggles and smiles!

After some miracle burn cream and yards
upon yards of gauze, were were on our way home with a sleepy, but pain free little boy.

According to the reams of paperwork provided by the Newberg hospital, he should be feeling great in a week or so with a little help from the burn cream and children's Tylenol. I must admit, my heart is just now starting to beat in a normal tempo. Six years of parenting and we finally had our first ER run, not bad, if I do say so myself:) Now off to bed I go, in a futile attempt to get much needed rest in order to keep my 2 YEAR OLD BOY clean tomorrow, his bandages anyway! Mission impossible theme music is playing in my head right now, wish me luck:)