At the beginning of this month, I made a two month pledge to not buy anything new clothes wise. I can only make things from scratch or re-fashion them. I've done several things for the kids but this was my first attempt at something for me. As part of the pledge, you have to post pictures on the wardrobe refashion website and I needed some pics of me in my first creation. I asked Kyla is she would be interested in taking my pics. She said she'd love to do a photo shoot:) Off to the park we went and here are the results. I was quite proud of the bossy little photo taker:)

Some of the pics have quite the interesting angle, I'm not sure if she was going for an artsy/edgy look or if the weight of the camera just did her in:) A few of the pics aren't perfectly focused and I did some work on a couple of them centering wise. She did an awesome job! Here is the amazing photographer herself...

A quick note: this shirt is a refashion that I purchased at Goodwill for a couple of dollars. It was too big but I loved the fabric. Here is the original...

So is that a refashion or creation?
Refashion:) I found it at goodwill and then wacked it to pieces to build something that I liked:)
The shirt looks great! Kyla can take a picture better than me!! She must get it from her momma :-) My friend is making pants from shirt sleeves. Refashion is becoming very popular. I enjoying reading about what you've done.
The first thing I thought was, I like that shirt!
LOVE your shirt! I want one! Also love the angled pic of you in the grass, she's great! We should plan another play date soon!
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