Wednesday, July 23, 2008

An Unwelcome Visitor

I was looking out my kitchen window this morning and there on my birdhouse was a RAT! At first I thought it was a weird kind of bird until I saw the tail hanging down. No wonder we've been going through an immense amount of bird food this past month!

Kyla and I quietly snuck out onto the porch and got some pretty good pictures, if you can get good pictures of a rat:) After a couple of minutes of our guest happily munching, a neighbor dog started barking and scared him off.

As long as he stays outside, I can handle being in close proximity with him. Once he takes one step into my home, he's history:)

1 comment:

Bethany said...

You should have borrowed my cat for a couple of weeks:)
Oh, and I'm glad to see pics of the beautiful babies, Gabriel and Jackson. Talk to you soon.