Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Jump through July

In my effort to catch everyone up, we'll take a quick jump through the month of July.

To start off, we raised 12 caterpillars and watched them turn into 12 beautiful butterflies, amazing! We released them with a bit of help from some friends.

The kids and I were in our local Lafayette Fourth of July Parade. We even won a prize for our wagon...I mean float:)

The kiddos spent two fun filled weeks at two different local Vacation Bible Schools. The second was cowboy themed, right up our alley:)

We spent a week poolside as the kids took another round of swim lessons.

We bought a car, a new to us 2006 Subaru Outback XT, with cash. Dave Ramsey was very proud of us. Well, he would be if he knew:) 

We were able to take a couple of laps around the Bonnell gocart track (AKA Grandpa and Gradma's back field). Kyla is a mean driver, she'll take you out. Gavin will take you out as well, but only if you are a small tree or large bush:)

Our neice, Ana, was down for a fun, whirlwind visit. The weather was cold and blustery, but a blast was had by all.

 We took a trip up to Washington to help celebrate our nephew turning three. 

And to finish off the month, one of our chickens laid the biggest egg known to man, poor gal:)

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