Chad and I are off on a romantic three day get-a-way to Seattle today. Alone, no kids, just the two of us. We are going to explore and relax and have fun!! Not that we don't have fun with the kiddos of course, just that whole relaxation thing isn't involved or present when traveling with them:)

For our 11th anniversary (in July) Chad purchased tickets to the music production Celtic Thunder (love, love them!) as a surprise to me. He got the tickets, booked our hotel, arranged for the kids to be taken care of and even checked out everything that we could do within walking distance of the hotel. That was all before he let me open my gift! What an amazing man!

We are packed, the kids are packed and we are just waiting for Chad's mom to get here so that we can start our adventure. Thanks Chad for dreaming up this adventure and for following through in all the little details. Oh the excitement!!

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