Here's a glance at what I've been doing to keep my sewing machine busy lately:) I have several jackets that have become to big, but with fall and winter coming, I was in desperate need of something that didn't swallow me up. I figured it shouldn't be too hard, right:) I took my first jacket and after some corrections to my initial plan, made it fit me comfortably. I also have a brown fleece jacket that was given to me that is so comfy, yet so huge! After my success with my first jacket refit, I got out my scissors and hacked away! I didn't want to go and purchase a new zipper so I didn't do anything with the overall length of the jacket, just took in the sides and arms. I had quite a bit of fabric left over and so I whipped up some flowery type things that I'd been seeing on a bunch of blogs. Wa La! A great fitted jacket with just a bit of my newly found flare:)

This past weekend, Kyla's teacher let us know that her son was in the hospital. He was heavy on my heart all weekend and I felt like I needed to do something for them as they struggled over this hurtle. My coping mechanism is to make things for people, whether it be banana bread, dinner, a blanket, a card. Just something to keep my mind and hands busy to show that I'm thinking and praying for them. Out of this need, I gathered up my fabric scraps (and a bit from my friend as well, thanks Jo!) and pieced together a blanket for little Mr. Jordan.

I thought that a blanket full of different textures would be fun for a little one so I used fleece, flannel, jersey, linen, and cotton. I'm not sure that I'd use the combination again though:) Kyla "helped" me piece and then tie the quilt, she was in charge of the scissors. Yeah I know, not the best parenting move ever:) I pray that it brings him comfort as he recovers and that he can enjoy it as life carries him on his next adventures.

Back to the sewing machine...I have a shirt smack-dab in the middle of refashioning. I'm hoping to wear it to church on Sunday. Wish me luck:)
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