As we frantically finished up the to-do list before the weekend ends and school starts, Kyla and I took a morning to go and have some fun shopping, getting her haircut, and having a special lunch together. She choose the haircut (I was a bit worried about the length, but it turned out fantastic), she choose her shoes (again, I had to restrain myself as she choose differently that I would have) and she choose the restaurant...McDonalds, of course:) Three pairs of shoes and a cheeseburger later, we are back home. We just HAD to do a quick photo shoot of her new do, she looks adorable:) I again came upon the predicament where I couldn't choose my favorite one, or even a couple of favorites, so I'll just post most of them for the enjoyment of all:)

Okay, this one is not one of my favorites, but I wanted everyone out there to know that all my pictures don't turn out perfectly. I mean, come on, who would want this up on their wall?:) Check out that Dr. Evil eyebrow!

This is near the end of the shoot, the classic "are you done yet mom??" look. Priceless:)

And the winner of the "Going to be blown up and hung on the living room wall" award goes to...

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