Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Musical furniture

After many years of denial, I have finally accepted the fact that the kids have overrun our home. We have kid stuff EVERYWHERE! I know that its just a part of parenthood and "in twenty years I'll wish for my kids to be this age where they leave toys any old place." I know all that, I just cant stand it anymore! Kyla has her craft stuff in the office, the kids have their own kitchen, they have toys/books/who knows what in the the tv room, their bedroom is packed to capacity, the gathering room is being overrun and the living/dining room always is cluttered. Chad and my bedroom holds no immunity to the flood of kid paraphernalia and I have to repeatedly had to drag/push carts, chairs, strollers out of MY kitchen. It has got to stop!

We've come up with a plan, a really good plan:) Chad and I have given up the fight and released the tv room for the kids enjoyment. Chad has almost finished up the closet remodel making the room kid friendly again. We've taken out the tv and love seat and added a shelving unit that I've been saving for from Ikea for months. Now our sweet little mess makers have their very own room... of course, toys leave the room, but so far, they always go back:) Jolina will be so proud! I can't say that the room is pretty and/or organized, but the kids love it!

I've always dreamed of a little sitting room off of the kitchen. Now we have it! We put a nice comfy chair (in dire need of recovering) and a little table and lamp and I'm good to relax:) I ate my breakfast there yesterday morning while enjoying the show that the multitudes of birds provided. The kids can play outside and I can sit and read inside. (Hah! that's the dream anyway:) )

Where is all the rest of our stuff, you may be wondering? Well, I've made another startling studio is wasted space. I use it for photo shoots maybe once a month, sometimes once every couple of months. It's a big space that it's being used. We moved the love seat, all my sewing paraphernalia, and the tv out there. I picked up a second shelving unit from Ikea and now we have a dedicated family room. Don't worry, Everything easily moves making my studio a more comfy reality. Pictures will come after a couple more days of much needed organizing out there:) Movie night anyone? We have a great place now to watch:)


Tubbs Family said...

The sacrafices we make for our kids! It looks great. We miss our toys storage area in Minot. Now our house is overrun and toys everywhere! We keep threatening to get rid of toys, as we buy more!!

Jolina said...

Very cute... I have been looking at the IKEA storage for awhile.. It really looks like a must have for toys.. I wonder if it would stand up so I could have it in the office.. soon to be playroom!! Now I want to see a pic of the new living room!! Hope you keep warm in the winter time!

Anonymous said... has one of the largest selections of Kid Furniture on the web so check it out.